
  • vt. 温和, 缓和, 减轻
专八 GRE
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mitigate (v.) - 15世纪早期,"relieve (pain)",源自拉丁语mitigatus, mitigare "soften, make tender, ripen, mellow, tame" 的过去分词,figuratively,"make mild or gentle, pacify, soothe",最终源自mitis "gentle, soft" + agere "to do, perform" 的词根 (源自PIE词根*ag- "to drive, draw out or forth, move")。对于mitis,de Vaan建议和梵文mayas- "refreshment, enjoyment",立陶宛语mielas "nice, sweet, dear",威尔士语mwydion "soft parts",古爱尔兰语min "soft" 同源,源自PIE*mehiti- "soft"。同根词:Mitigated; mitigating; mitigates。

1. mitigate : 来自拉丁语mitigare,成熟,变软,温顺,来自mitis,成熟的,柔软的,-ig,做,词源同agent.引申词义减轻,缓和。

1. 【赵丽】: 一个大门是玛瑙agate, GRE大门在汇总aggregate, 街道里面在煽动instigate, 向前翻页才繁殖propagate, 门前冒烟是消毒fumigate, 向前飞离挥如土profligate, 共同束缚colligate 送缓和mitigate

2. litigate诉讼、navigate航行、fumigate烟熏、levigate研细、fustigate抨击、variegate使多样化、castigate严惩、mitigate缓解、expurgate删除、objurgate训斥、profligate放荡的......这些单词中的-gate可不是watergate scandal水门事件中的“门”哦,而是词根ag,act表to drive,to do,to make的体现。

3. mitigate /‘mɪtɪɡet/ vt. 使缓和,使减轻 mitis-=成熟的,柔软的,同源词mature; ig-=make, do; 因此这个词的根本含义是“使变得柔软”,引申为“使缓和,使减轻”。 【例句】Governments should endeavor to mitigate distress. 政府应努力缓解贫困问题。

4. mitigate : Mitigate > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.

5. mitigate : think of MITIGATE as COLGATE(toothpaste).Use of COLGATE lessen or try to lessen the extent of germs in our teeth. Use of MITIGATE will also lessen or try lessen the extent of [depends on your usage :)}]

mitigatevt.1.使缓和,使温和,使镇静:to mitigate danger缓和危险2.减轻(痛苦、惩罚):The judge said that nothing could mitigate the cruelty with which the mother had treated her child.法官说,这位母亲虐待孩子,罪行无法减轻。new economic measures to help mitigate the effects of the recession有助于减轻经济衰退影响的新经济措施vi.1.缓和下来;减轻变形vt.mitigatedmitigating